This post “American Girl Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center” was sponsored by Visit Alabama, American Girl and the U.S Space and Rocket Center. We would also like to give a special thank you to our friends at the Huntsville Alabama Tourism Board. All opinions expressed are my own. For more information about our sponsored post and/or affiliate link policy please click here.
Luciana Vega American Girl Doll 2018 Girl of the Year
Last time we went on an American Girl adventure, Reese and I were at Pearl Harbor. The experience was amazing, but we had the chance to embark on another journey with my American girl and her American Girl doll, Luciana Vega, the 2018 Girl of The Year doll Reese totally relates to her because she’s into science and the doll is too. Luciana Vega’s dream is to land on Mars. I’m not quite sure Reese is aiming for the same goal, but I do know that she is obsessed with all things science and outer space. Because of that, there was one place I knew we just HAD TO go while we were in Alabama….Space Camp! American Girl Space Camp
Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center
Located in Huntsville, Space Camp is currently home to America’s second largest research park. It all started in 1945 when Dr. Wernher von Braun and his rocket team arrived in America under a military contract to make ballistic rockets. The location in Huntsville was deemed the best place for this work after a brief stint in Texas. It is here in Huntsville that the first rockets and satellites ever created on the planet were built to orbit our Earth. It’s also where the Saturn V rocket launched the Apollo astronauts to the moon for that huge historic moment in American history. American Girl Space Camp
Today, Space Camp has a ton of out-of-this-world programs and one of them is the American Girl at Space Camp program, which is perfect for Reese. We popped in for a day of exploration and got a hands-on experience with a private tour and a chance to train like an astronaut, try out the 1/6th Gravity Chair, the Five Degrees of Freedom simulator, and the Multi-Axis Trainer. Check out our videos! American Girl Space Camp
American Girl Space Camp
American Girl at Space Camp is a weeklong program for girls ages 9 to 12. Camp sessions are available year-round and people from all over the world come here. If your daughter adores Luciana too, this is such an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience to be just like an astronaut. The activities include things like building and launching rockets, training on astronaut simulators, a simulated space launch, building a Mars base, a LEGO NXT robot challenge, the chance to meet the amazing women in STEM careers, and so much more. American Girl Space Camp
Linked with Luciana Vega, it helps girls realize they can be anything they dream of being. I find this inspiring in a world where men still dominate. Women can become great things including astronauts, which is why I adored this American Girl program because this age group that Reese is in is very impressionable and it makes all the right impressions along with Luciana to inspire greatness in all of our girls. American Girl Space Camp
Space Camp Programs
Space Camp has plenty more programs though so if you’re reading this and you have boys that aren’t interested in dolls or you yourself are interested in attending, there’s truly something for everyone. Regular Space Camp lasts a week as well and is for boys and girls ages 9 to 11. Your kids can try out the 1/6th Gravity Chair, the Five Degrees of Freedom simulator and the Multi-Axis Trainer like we did, plus build and launch model rockets, design a Martian colony, and so much more while building team skills and making friends. American Girl Space Camp
Can’t bear to let your kids have all the fun? I can’t blame you. I have to say our day getting the tour of these week-long camps was so much fun I didn’t want it to end. If your kids don’t want to be away from you or vice versa, try the Family Aviation Camp for the family experience. It’s for ages 7 and up and lasts for a weekend. You’ll get to learn navigation and air combat techniques and try them out on the F-18 Hornet simulators. There are also practical survival drills for water crash and rescue, a chance to feel three times your weight in the centrifuge and plenty more.
American Girl Space Camp
Robotics Camp is also way cool. Reese got a hands-on experience and built her own robot. Then she got to test it out! The week-long version of this program is for ages 9 to 11 and includes things like building and piloting underwater robots and learning all about engineering by getting in on the action.
Don’t be jealous of your kids though. You can enroll in the 3-day long Adult Space Camp program for adults 18 and up only…no kids allowed! Train like an astronaut on the Multi-Axis Trainer, build and launch your own rocket, make friends and teambuilding skills on the Low Elements Ropes Course, and much more.
There are so many more camp programs too from space to aviation and robotics to cyber. Space Academy, Family Aviation Challenge, US Cyber Camp, US Space and Rocket Center Day Camp, and more are available year-round so you’re not just limited to summer vacation to try them out. For Reese and me though, we loved that the women from the Space Camp alumni were there too, which excited Reese all the more about how her doll Luciana can go to Mars and she can too if she puts her mind to it. It’s so important for us to inspire our girls, you know? American Girl Space Camp
Additionally, there’s also the chance to go on scholarship. If your child meets the requirement for financial needs, special needs, academic achievement, or leadership, he or she can apply and receive full tuition for one of the weeklong programs. American Girl Space Camp
Now that we’re back, I can’t help but look up at the stars even more. It’s still just as magical even when you know more about the world outside of our world. Reese hasn’t stopped talking about our visit to Space Camp and hopes to be like Luciana and the women astronauts she met while we were there.